Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My 21st Birthday !
Friday, November 7, 2008
Breakthrough !!
Hoho... Breakthrough? what?
Sure is da 3days-midterm Exam !!!!
Cannot hang out, Cannot play game, Cannot being lazy, Cannot relax..
Omg.. Within this exam week...
I felt like i'm so suffer (Blog Reader : Aiyo, not dat serious la.. Swt)
And now finally.... i'm free !!!!
No more trapped myself in my room to study and get release of my PSP seal !!
Horray!! Exam barrier is gone now!
One thing i wanna said is.. thx to someone wish for my exam
and thx her for relief my stress during da exam period by chatting with me. Thx o!
Today i woke up at 12am ! So long time din sleep for so many hours already.
Huuu... really feel like... recharge? xD
No plan today.. Jz feel like wanna stay at home and relax..
Got alot of movie to watch..
Hmm.. 命中注定我爱你, 勇者王 & Gundam 00 Season 2.. hoho..
After all, i'm still got 1 presentation and 2 coursework to settle.
Da presentation date is just on next week Monday... GOSH!!
I still not really finish da preparation and not yet practice.. o.O
Need to finish it up within this few days.. ~.~ Must not 4get !
Ahh... 2mr need to start work d.. wondering how will it be going on...
Hopefully da job suitable for me and i can job happily there. n(~.~)n
Ops... Hungry.. not yet eat my lunch... Till here for this post.
Away for lunch lu !
Adios !!~~
Friday, October 31, 2008
Mid-Term Exam is coming . . . . .
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Complain ! Complain !
Friday, October 24, 2008
Back to Blog-ing ~~
w0ot !~ It's been ages since the last time i've updated my blog ...
hmm... let's count, already 4 months o.O.. my blog already sinked for 4 months..
now it's the time for me to pulled it up again.. xD
Anyway.. i do started my degree studies 4 months ago.
Degree seems like really hectic to me and make me busy all the time.
There are full with assignment, coursework, presentation and exam. ~.~
However, lucky me, until now, i'm still managed to study well and doesn't meet any problem in my studies.
Aha.. today i'm just feel free and got the mood to signed in and updated my blog again.
Sinked too long.. beh tahan already. LOL~~
Another exam just around the corner.. but i still din do revision at all !
Hope that i can start to do my revision next week .. HAHA!
Until here for this post... LAZY again.. SWT..!!
Will update more soon. This time won't let it sink again. xD
Go join my friends in Maple Story first. Hehs. Buh bye !
Sunday, June 22, 2008
祝大家聚会又顺利又愉快 !!!!
v ( ^0^ ) v
Saturday, June 21, 2008
第二届由 2 -Hunt 举办的跨洲际佳礼猎人狩猎祭

" 千呼萬喚始出來,第二届跨洲际佳礼猎人狩猎祭 !
熱愛 Monster Hunter 的朋友,你還孤軍作戰嗎?無論你個人技術練的多純熟,多驚人也好,沒戰友相陪的日子,是孤獨寂寞的。雖然偉大的 Kai 聯機平臺能讓大家隨時獲得戰友的協助,但你們真的滿足嗎?一個素未謀面的人,你能把性命交托到他手上嗎?他會在你昏迷時,氣絕時,勇敢的冒死上前踢你一腳嗎?珍贵的生命粉尘,他会为你而服用吗?這樣的人咱們能稱之為能付托生命的兄弟嗎? (迷之聲:”這家伙瘋了。。。“)為了滿足大家對戰友的渴求,為了提倡聯機狩獵的樂趣,我正式宣布,
Post From Ryusher at Cari Forum
This gathering held on 23rd and 24th June 2008, located at Genting Highlands which i cannot attend because 23rd of June is da first day of my first sem start. This gathering is organized by 2-Hunt Team. It gather all da MHP2G players all around Malaysia. Da 1st gathering which i din attend oso cz i'm still not own a PSP dat time, 35 ppl attended. More ppl will attend to this 2nd gathering for sure. Why i think so? Cz already got nearly 30 ppl registered once da gathering have annouced. Ah... Disappointed ar... tot can go there to know more new friends and have fun there.. but.. >.> my friends did ask me to skip da first day class but i dun wan... cz i not dare to skip LOL... However.. i did 80% changed my mind and planning to go da gathering last few days but it is already too late... =( So... I'm looking forward to da 3rd gathering.. but my friend, KAI said no more 3rd.. this is da last 1 =( Anyway... hopefully stil will have laa... xD
To my friends who are going to Genting Highlands tonight, enjoy ya gathering there. Take care and Good Luck while trying to win money at CASINO.. HAHA... may lucky angel always bside u all. LOL...! Remember take alot of photos and dun always "KAP" da only hammer Queen, Angie at there. xD Have Fun !